Offender Success Reentry Program
Open Heart currently offers an Offender Success Reentry Program. Our Program includes the following:
Accepts adults 18+
Must meet requirements needed for low barrier housing
Must need assistance in becoming economically self-sufficient
Must be on parole and under supervision of the Michigan Department of Corrections
Residents must be assigned to the Offender Success Reentry program
OHC provides the following:​
Housing supervision
Low barrier housing
Assists with the transition to independent living through supportive services such as:​
Life skills assessments of strengths and needs​
Employment referrals and/or support
Assistance with permanent housing
Adult and/or peer mentors​
Resume Writing Workshops
Cover Letter Writing Workshops
Interview Skills Workshops
Financial Literacy Workshops
Communication Skills Workshops
Residents must follow the following house rules:
Residency with Open Heart Communities is meant to bridge the gap to living independently. We offer assistance in becoming economically self-sufficient by providing low barrier housing with a variety of resources for life skills and supportive services.
Please ​note ​that ​Open Heart Communities is ​a ​program. ​Living ​in ​Open Heart Communities ​is ​not ​a ​landlord/tenant arrangement ​where ​paying ​rent ​entitles ​the ​tenant ​to ​live ​there. ​It’s ​a ​program ​that ​has ​admission ​policy, discharge ​policy ​and ​requires ​cooperation ​from its ​residents. Our rules, policies, and procedures are in place to ensure client’s safety, health, and overall well-being.
No overnight guests
No engaging in sexual activity inside the home
No drugs or alcohol in the home
No fighting
No illegal or criminal activity
No firearms or weapons
No smoking inside the home